
My Singular Piece of DIY advice

My writing has been in hibernation for a while due to a “winter” kitchen renovation project I started in the fall of 2018. Yes, it’s eaten up almost an entire year of my life at this point. I laughed, I cried, I swore and sweated. I’d hoped to compile my experiences in a fun, helpful,… Continue reading My Singular Piece of DIY advice

Leadership, Uncategorized

Impromptu Team Activity Made Me Smile

Before you read on, take a moment to gather a handful of 10-20 pens from around your house. Test each pen to make sure it works properly (this is important) and then proceed with reading the rest of my blog entry. Go ahead…I’ll wait. What makes people “tick”? If you are a good leader you… Continue reading Impromptu Team Activity Made Me Smile


My Jurassic Outdoor Survival Story

Disclaimer: The following story has been reconstructed mostly using only the pieces from my mind that could be recalled after close to 30 years. I decided not to rely on exact details related to me from the persons involved as my perspective is really the only relevant one and I am kind of looking for… Continue reading My Jurassic Outdoor Survival Story


Wave Like No One is Watching

I took a walk on the Lakewalk near my house the other day. It’s a relatively peaceful trek on a paved trail lined with trees and wildflowers. Its seclusion allows you to see a wide array of birds and butterflies, deer and even bears. (Although thankfully, I’ve never encountered one!) The trail was built alongside… Continue reading Wave Like No One is Watching